Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Self Reliance Tip # 24 Washboards are hard work!

I've been reading a bit of family history. My dad shared a book with me called, "The Ring of the Anvil". It is about the family of my Great Great Grandparents Joseph Smith Hancock and Emily Davis Wallace Hancock. I tell ya what....I live a cushy life.

When their oldest daughter Hannah Ida was 14 her mother Emily died in a wagon accident. Ida cleaned, cooked, and did laundry for 10 siblings and her father. Joseph never remarried. Ida's daughter remembers, "I don't think I ever hated anything as much as that washboard because I've spent so any hours washing clothes on one. To this day, I do not have a washboard in my house and I never will."

When I go into an antique store a thrill goes up my spine when I see a washboard (...I know, I know). I bought one and I've used one. It reminds me of days past and I just think it is cool. However, if I HAD to use it to do as much laundry as Ida...I'd probably hate it too :).

Last week I shared one recipe that I've used to do laundry with. Here is a link to several more laundry soap recipes.

In my experience if you choose to add a fragrance oil or essential oil to your laundry to help it smell pretty, add a few drops to a washcloth when you are putting them in the dryer. If it is added to the laundry soap, it "washes" out. That's what you're doing right? Cleaning out dirt and odor (if it is good or bad) :)

And another thing...

How in the world do you rotate powdered milk? You wouldn't actually want to drink the stuff...would you?

I've been experimenting with this and have found that when my gallon of "store bought" milk is about half gone, I will add as much powdered milk as it asks for to make 2 quarts (on my can it says 2 2/3 cups powdered milk) - then I do a fun little shaking dance and then add water to fill it back up. I will give it another good shake or two and put it back in the fridge.

I have done this several times and no one has EVEN noticed. Not even Austin the picky pants. Don't get me wrong, I love the little guy. But if it passes his test, it passes the whole family.

Here is one more idea:


Go to this link to see how Jenny buys a small container of buttermilk, then adds powdered milk to it to create a whole gallon of buttermilk. This is a great money-saving tip, and a great way to use your food storage powdered milk.

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