Tuesday, February 28, 2012

His Infinite Love

"Wherever you are, whatever your circumstances may be, you are not forgotten. No matter how dark your days may seem, no matter how insignificant you may feel, no matter how overshadowed you think you may be, your Heavenly Father has not forgotten you. In fact, He loves you with an infinite love."

--President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "Forget Me Not", November 2011 Ensign

Psalm 8:3 God Is Love,

Hymn #87

Self Reliance Tip #47 Staying Cool When It's Hot

Oh what a beautiful morning!!!

We went to Mesa this last weekend, and it was SO beautiful! We all know its gonna heat up fast when it comes down to it. When preparing winter clothing, remember that winter has an opposite and in AZ that opposition can get intense. If you are looking at 100+ temps without electricity you have to get creative.

We all know that in winter it is easy to just add more clothes to stay warm. It is a bit different when it is scorching hot. You can only take off so many layers before problems with the law begin :). Here are a few things to remember in your preparations:

- Natural fabrics keep you cooler than synthetics.
- Water is essential for more than drinking

Here are some other ideas (not all are without electricity, but some good ideas anyway):

In my reading to further educate myself, I also read that if you hang moistened blankets at entry ways where air can flow in, it works similar to an evaporative cooler.

... And another thing...

Check out these Apricot Thumbprint Cookies using all food storage ingredients....yummo! She has a ton more videos too.


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Life's Journey

"In order to be guided in life’s journey and have the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost, we must have a “hearing ear” and a “seeing eye,” both directed upward. We must act on the direction we receive. We must look up and step up. And as we do, I know we will cheer up, for God wants us to be happy."

--Elder Carl B. Cook, "It Is Better to Look Up", November 2011 Ensign

Doctrine and Covenants 121:46

The Holy Ghost, Primary Children's Song Book 105

Self Reliance Tip# 46 Bags of Warmth

Good morning! Lets talk soup... I mean sleeping bags.

I have a friend who used to work for the Anasazi Foundation. In case you don't know what that is, it is designed to help troubled teens by getting them away from drugs/alcohol (...or whatever their distraction is) and teaches them to live off the Arizona wilderness...much like the Anasazi Native Americans. They are also taught other life skills so that they can overcome their addictions.

They used to sleep under the stars and it would get pretty cold at night. Yes, even in the Arizona desert. He was asked once what temperature rated sleeping bag was best. He said something like, "Don't get anything less than a 20 below bag. We would freeze with anything less." In Arizona? Well, stranger temperatures have been seen.


In the Book of Mormon, there are 56 references to the word "tent". I think that is important to note. A good sleeping bag for everyone in your family would surely make a tent stay more enjoyable. Walmart doesn't carry those kind in our local store, so you'll have to go online. I'm afraid that Barbie and Buzzlightyear bags are not gonna cut it for colder temps.

I found this article: http://www.outsideonline.com/outdoor-gear/gear-guy/What-zero-degree-sleeping-bag-should-I-get-.html

Here is a video on helping you to choose a bag: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFc_7SwB6aw&feature=player_embedded

Here are a few bags to consider (from about $50 to $300 range):

The cool thing about sleeping bags is that you could get two less expensive sleeping bags and slip one inside the other and you would get the same warmth.

Have a great day!

....And another thing....

I loved this video:

Self Reliance Tip # 45 Service and Storing Seasonal Clothing

Good morning!

Here is a video to get your creative juices flowing for our Service auction Relief Society meeting! Look at all the different ways people were willing to help!


We've had a pretty mild winter this year (especially compared to last year). Some places haven't been so lucky. How is your winter clothing storage coming along?

Here are some thoughts.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

True Greatness

"Let us remember, too, that greatness is not always a matter of the scale of one’s life, but of the quality of one’s life. True greatness is not always tied to the scope of our tasks, but to the quality of how we carry out our tasks whatever they are. In that attitude, let us give our time, ourselves, and our talents to the things that really matter now, things which will still matter a thousand years from now."

--Spencer W. Kimball, "A Gift of Gratitude", Tambuli, Dec 1977 D&C 59:7

D&C 59:7 For Thy Bounteous Blessings,

The Children's Songbook #21

Self Reliance Tip # 44 New Cooking Sources

I think I'm in love again. A few months ago I showed you this nifty little stove.

Well, they are really inexpensive so we bought one. And WE LOVE IT! Each butane canister is supposed to last two hours worth of cooking (you're going to get more time if it is on a lower gas setting). Well, we put it to the test. I have been cooking with it for every meal since Saturday and I am just past two hours. However, I can tell it is starting to fade.

We like this stove better than the small propane canister stove we used to have for these reasons:

- It seems to burn hotter and more efficient than propane.
- There are no attachments that can get broken - it is a more compact unit.
- It is more portable.
- There is nothing to screw on or off to put it away.
- The canisters are easy to snap in - again no screwin' around.
- It is self igniting!

The price of propane vs. butane is about the same per ounce. If you buy in bulk, you usually save.

If you combine the effectiveness of this little stove as part of your Wonder Oven regimen - you have a clean, effective and not to mention cute powerless cooking team - unbeatable! I think I'm going to get at least one more. Sometimes I have more than one pot going for dinner.

Since one canister has lasted us three days, plan accordingly if this is something you'd like to invest in. Thank you to Sister Alice for showing this little diddy to me!

... And another thing...
.....From Heavenly Father's Medicine Cabinet....

What in the world is the creosote bush good for? It overtakes everything! Not to mention, they're kind of ugly...

Oh, not so my friend. Creosote is a gift! It is in abundance where we live. This link says it better than I could. Be sure to read about the questions of safety. It is not an every-day supplement, but is so good in times of infection.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Fry Bread and Sopopilla Demo

How to make BACON in your refrigerator
(in 5 days)

Indian Fry Bread
(w/beans, tacos, honey or powder sugar)


Waterbath CANNING
Apple Butter

Test your pressure canner dial gauge, IF YOU HAVE A AMERICAN CANNER THAT IS DEEP, JUST BRING YOUR DIAL, so bring your lids!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012 -- 6:00 p.m.
Friday, February 17, 2012 – 9:00 a.m.

Eastern Arizona College -- Gila/Galiuro rooms
Please enter through the Main Eastside Parking door

Everything will be demonstrated!! and tasted!!
To register

Name ___________________________________

Address _________________________________

E-mail address _____________________________

Phone number _____________________________

Circle date wishing to attend
Thursday, February 16, 2012 -- 6:00 p.m.
Friday, February 17, 2012 – 9:00 a.m.

Make checks payable to:
Graham County Extension

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

For those of you who know Michelle Webb, Carson her son-in-law that they recently had the benefit yard sale for has passed away. Funeral arrangements are found at this link.


Carson married one of my Young Women (when I lived in Thatcher) Desere Webb. They were married less than a year.
