Saturday, February 11, 2012

Self Reliance Tip # 44 New Cooking Sources

I think I'm in love again. A few months ago I showed you this nifty little stove.

Well, they are really inexpensive so we bought one. And WE LOVE IT! Each butane canister is supposed to last two hours worth of cooking (you're going to get more time if it is on a lower gas setting). Well, we put it to the test. I have been cooking with it for every meal since Saturday and I am just past two hours. However, I can tell it is starting to fade.

We like this stove better than the small propane canister stove we used to have for these reasons:

- It seems to burn hotter and more efficient than propane.
- There are no attachments that can get broken - it is a more compact unit.
- It is more portable.
- There is nothing to screw on or off to put it away.
- The canisters are easy to snap in - again no screwin' around.
- It is self igniting!

The price of propane vs. butane is about the same per ounce. If you buy in bulk, you usually save.

If you combine the effectiveness of this little stove as part of your Wonder Oven regimen - you have a clean, effective and not to mention cute powerless cooking team - unbeatable! I think I'm going to get at least one more. Sometimes I have more than one pot going for dinner.

Since one canister has lasted us three days, plan accordingly if this is something you'd like to invest in. Thank you to Sister Alice for showing this little diddy to me!

... And another thing...
.....From Heavenly Father's Medicine Cabinet....

What in the world is the creosote bush good for? It overtakes everything! Not to mention, they're kind of ugly...

Oh, not so my friend. Creosote is a gift! It is in abundance where we live. This link says it better than I could. Be sure to read about the questions of safety. It is not an every-day supplement, but is so good in times of infection.

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