Friday, August 5, 2011

Self Reliance Tip # 21 Eggcalent Storage!

Goal this month: Wash one batch of laundry by hand (if it be by a clean plunger or old fashioned elbow grease - have fun with it!)

Ok, so I have some bad news and some good news concerning egg storage. The ones I had covered in beeswax and mineral oil ( I did both to see if one worked better than the other, mineral oil was sure easier and less messy) - they did awesome all winter long. I even checked them as late as May and they were snug as 60 dozen bugs in a tote ( it doesn't rhyme, I know). However...recently I discovered that we had a really bad fruit fly problem. It was my eggs....*weep*. (Refer to Tip #5 on April 12 found here:

I called my sister and she told me that hers were still fine and had no problems. So, I chocked it up to the heat that doesn't get as intense in Northern Arizona as it does for us Gila Monsters...grrrr.

If you stored eggs, check them. If they are fine, you are likely to be better at keeping your home in a lower constant below 90 house isn't so lucky :).

If getting chickens is still not do-able for you, don't fret my pet, there is a solution: Dehydrate your own.

When I called my sister with my "professional preparedness" (not really) tail tucked between my knees, she told me that they don't preserve eggs "that way" anymore anyway. They dehydrate them. Now before you roll your eyes and stick your finger in your mouth to gag yourself with a rubber spoon, hear me out.

How many fresh eggs can you put in a pint jar?: 3 (seriously, I tried it)

How many dehydrated eggs can you vacuum seal in a pint jar? : 20

Isn't that AWESOME!!!??? These eggs are way less likely to have a mishap leaving egg-white goo all over your storage space.

So this is the process in a nutshell:
Blend eggs in a blender (minus the shell :) )

Pour on dehydrator shelf

Dehydrate on high for 5 hours

Switch to low for two more

Take the "egg cake" and blend to powder in blender/ food processor

Vacuum seal in pint jars
That's it. There are no extra ingredients... and the best part??? These will make REAL scrambled eggs not the pretend kind that those OTHER dehydrated eggs makers make.

PS A note from Sister Juli on using a "Wonder Oven" for the first time:
Hey there! well, i was super excited to test this out.(I was able to find a used bean bag chair for $4.00, I just tore it apart & used the polyfiber fill out of it). I tested out oatmeal. I boiled it for maybe 3 min on the stove, then quickly put the lid on and put in in the wonder oven before going to bed. In the am the oatmeal was cooked. It was a little gummy, I think mostly due to the fact that I did not add enough water. I will try adding more water next time.

I am excited to try bigger things, such as roast, chicken, beans, etc. I have the pattern if anyone needs help in sewing it I'd be glad to help out.

Thanks Sister Juli!

PPS Drop me a line if you met your goal for last month!!!

And another thing....
From Heavenly Father's Medicine Cabinet

Comfrey...(say it again) Comfrey.... doesn't that sound comfortable?

Comfrey is a skin and bone helper. It promotes healing I use comfrey root in a salve I make and it works AWESOME. I have used it on tons of stuff from diaper rash to stubbed/bleeding toes.

Did you ever see the movie "A Man Called Horse" ? In that movie there is a Sioux man who does what is called the Sun Dance. That is NOT comfortable. I have a friend who has done the Sun Dance and his mother would put fresh comfrey leaves over the wounds that are requisite to complete that "dance". He said that his wounds would be completely scabbed over in three days. Yeousers!

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