Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Self Reliance Tip # 48 No Need to Knead!

“Knowing what we know…we must —use our talents, strengths, energies, abilities, and means to prepare for whatever may
befall us and our children… We do not know when the calamities and troubles of the last days will fall upon any of us...

The Lord deliberately withholds from us the day and hour of his coming and of the tribulations which shall precede it—all as part of the testing and probationary experiences of mortality. He simply tells us to watch and be ready. We can rest assured that if we have done all in our power to prepare for whatever lies ahead, he will then help us with whatever else we need."

- Elder Bruce R. McKonkie Ensign, May 1979, 92

I LOVE this quote!!! I think it says everything I've been trying to get at for almost a year :).

Check this video out. It is a demo about no kneed bread! I didn't know you could do that!! It is about an hour long just an FYI.


And Another Thing...
....From Heavenly Father's Medicine Cabinet

For my birthday, my husband gave me the coolest gift. He paid for a class for the both of us to learn about edible, medicinal and useful desert plants.

The one I'd like to focus on today is one of the most amazing plants in the desert- The Prickly Pear Cactus. You can use both the pad of the cactus and the fruit. I want to talk more about the wonders of the pad. The instructor had MANY personal experiences he shared using the pad for all its wonderful glory!

The pad is good for:
- sun screen
- sunburn and burns ( use much like you would use aloe vera)
- snake bites
- bug bites ( scorpion, bees, ants, spiders,)
- wounds
- cuts and abrasions

To use without getting poked, keep the pad on the cactus and rub thorns off with a rock on each side. Take a knife and cut around the outer edge of the cactus and then slice down the middle. To use for bites, stings, and wounds, roast for a little while over a fire, it will become pliable and can be bandaged over the area. For sun screen, take the fresh exposed pad and rub it on areas most likely to burn and it will protect from the sun. For sun burns, if used the same day, will help the skin tan and not peel. To get more juice, use your fingernail to scrape more juice to the surface.

My husband also told me that snake bite kits that you can buy in the camping section of stores are pretty much useless. The old cowboy movies where they mark an "x" over the bite and suck it out...that's no good either. It looks tough and daring, but a prickly pear pad is much safer and works WAY better.

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