Saturday, April 14, 2012

Self Reliance Tip # 52 Lil Washer That Could!

Sister Cassie found out this last week that being without a washer for even a week can be really annoying and stressful.

Anything that can make powerless laundry a little easier to do is on top of my list because we do A LOT of laundry at my house. So... I wanted to show you a new little diddy that I found. I got one and I'll give a review next week, but I'm really excited!!! It wouldn't be for all of your laundry. Bigger things like blankets and husband work pants are probably out, but it would work great for smaller things.

Here is the product:

Here is a video review and how it works:

This weekend we went and had a blast in Mesa. Kids sprayed squirt guns at each other everywhere we went. At one place, the whole hose was full blast and we had some drippin' wet kids. So fun, unless you wanted no puddles on the tile floor. My sister-in-law in her wisdom pulled something similar to this out:

So, we used one of these little guys to hang them to dry. It isn't a full fledged drying line, but for several purposes they really come in handy.

... And another thing....

I LOVE this site!!! It is chocked full of so many awesome recipe ideas and they are ALL food-storage minded meals. I try to only look at it once a day otherwise I'd spend too much time here :). So many wonderful little time...

There are also Wonder Oven recipes!

A big thanks to Sister Barbara for sharing this with me!

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